Empirical Inference
Casting a safety net: a reliable machine learning approach for analyzing coalescing black holes

Casting a safety net: a reliable machine learning approach for analyzing coalescing black holes

Self-checking algorithm interprets gravitational-wave data

An interdisciplinary team from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics has developed an algorithm that immediately checks its own calculations of merging black holes’ properties and corrects its result if necessary – inexpensively and rapidly. The machine learning method provides very accurate information about the observed gravitational waves and will be ready for use when the global network of gravitational-wave detectors starts its next observing run in May.

gravitational waves black holes Einstein relativity theory machine learning


ei Maximilian Dax
Maximilian Dax
Ph.D. Student
ei Jonas Wildberger
Jonas Wildberger
Ph.D. Student
ei Jakob Macke
Jakob Macke
Senior Research Scientist
ei Bernhard Schölkopf
sg Linda Behringer
Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer